Wow, it's September already?? Last week felt so unproductive, and then I spent the weekend zoning out and playing Book of Hours, which is a great PC game but really should be a tablet game. I have so much to do - I'm determined to be productive this week. I think sometimes when you take a break like that, you really really need it.

This week it's all game work, and busy with social stuff, and a dentist appointment. I finally got tomatoes from the garden, and I bought a compost bin. What does it say about me that I'm excited about the compost bin? The weather has been stunningly beautiful, that soft transitional weather between summer and fall, and all I want to do is be outside. But I'll just have to settle for having the windows flung open.

I've bought a few things recently - some new jeans, shirts, taking advantage of the end-of-summer secondhand selections. But it just took buying a few things for me to immediately get tired of buying things. I'm trying to specifically only shop secondhand, and only in natural materials, and I got burned buying a "linen set" that was actually polyester. It's too tiring to play detective like that, when you expect things to be what they say they are. I feel betrayed by consumerism at large, but I have no one to blame but huge, high level entities that don't care.

I also didn't finish anything on my list, aside from going roller skating. Was it a good summer though? I think yes, but I always wish I did more.