The hot weather continues, so I've been holing up inside continuing to play video games and read. This morning I woke up to all the windows foggy from the outside - the humidity says 94%. Before coffee, I grabbed my phone and typed "Mario" into google - nothing more, just "Mario." Apparently these are my pre-coffee thoughts.

The weekend was kicked off seeing friends and going to a video game store. Nothing was there - I think video game shops are now all savvy to prices online. You can't get good deals anymore at all, especially not in NYC. They had a custom GBA marked up to $350. Biking there and back, I got a touch of heatstroke, and I felt awful all day Sunday. So I just played Secret of Mana and lots of Mario Golf on my GBA (which was not $350).

This week I have busy workdays ahead of me, prepping stuff for the store, working on projects. I also have the urge to redesign this site again - I thought I liked this design but maybe I do not. It's hard to find a balance between looking professional for art/games stuff but also want to inject personality. Oh well.

The heat is supposed to break this week, but it'll give way to a ton of rain. Usually, I like the heat, and I don't like the rain, but I'm glad.