We're truly in the dog days of summer - I can't stop thinking about cooler weather. I'm actually a big fan of hot weather but I don't know what to do with the drizzly, hot hot hot hours. I can't roller skate, I can't go for long walks, I can't sit outside at any cafes. It's a real first world struggle.

What HAVE I been doing: lots of video games. Still playing Secret of Mana on my SNES, also playing my Gameboy Advance SP a whole lot. Trying to finally keep up with this site. Scheduling inside activities with friends - lots of trashy reality TV. Reading a ton - I started One of Us is Lying for my book club, and The Hobbit, from a stunningly nice boxed set my mom got me for my birthday. Creative projects too, but nothing I want to talk about yet.

My skin is breaking out in rashes with the heat.