here are various collections that I've digitized for you to use. enjoy! - B
- stickers: I've scanned in some stickers from my collection, some of which I've had since I was 7!
- stamps: these are real stamps, not pixel stamps. I used to buy packs of stamps off ebay way back in the day. most of them are pretty standard but some are kind of interesting!

fKiss is a paper doll program - dress up dolls and relax! I used to play this ALL the time back in the day, and I've collected over 100 packs. You can download the packs from my personal childhood HERE! (Windows only). Want more? Get the full 4000 doll collection on!
sailor moon
this is a snippet of the theme song from the live action Sailor Moon American TV show they almost-but-didn't make. the show was only found by scouring the library of congress thanks to youtuber Ray Mona.